Living in New Zealand our advice for a successful expatriation.?

successful expatriation

New Zealand is a country that attracts a lot of travelers, but also expatriates. In search of a balance between professional and personal life, every year many of them take the step and settle in this irresistible country.

Do you also want to live in New Zealand? Whether you are alone or with your family, professional, student, volunteer or trainee, staying in New Zealand requires preparation. Discover our advice for expatriating to the other side of the globe in the best conditions.

Why and how to live in New Zealand?

New Zealand manages to meet the expectations and needs of many expatriates and their families: employment, climatic conditions, natural resources or even the local culture… There are many reasons that encourage those in search of something new to settle in New Zealand. Zeeland.

According to the Expat Insider survey carried out by Internations in 2021, New Zealand is even one of the 10 best destinations to move to in 2022.

Why go to New Zealand?

For the majority of expatriates, the main reasons for living in New Zealand are: the quality of life, administrative simplicity, a stable economy, unparalleled landscapes and the many leisure activities that can be practiced in this beautiful country.

For the French, it is the attractiveness of the New Zealand working world that constitutes the primary motivation for moving there. Indeed, the local unemployment rate is generally very low (less than 5%) and certain sectors of activity such as tourism or agriculture are very attractive. We also find as another motivation the desire to improve one’s level of English language by rubbing shoulders with locals.

New Zealand is renamed by the Maori people  The landscapes are often breathtaking! Being located in the southern hemisphere, the seasons are reversed compared to those we know. Another advantage of the island: its proximity to Asia-Pacific and Australia.

Just as their climate is mild, New Zealanders are laid back. Their simple and warm welcome is a real asset for this country where life is good.

Warning sign of a Kiwi on the side of the road in New Zealand

The emblem of the country is the kiwi, not in reference to the vitamin fruit, but to a strange wingless bird whose plumage has the texture of fur. New Zealanders (in English: New Zealander) are nicknamed Kiwis after this eponymous bird.

Regarding slightly more practical points when considering moving to New Zealand, it is essential to understand the country, because although its pace of life is pleasant, it is important to know that the cost of living is quite high and that the ways and customs of the natives differ from ours. A good command of English may also be essential for integration.

The work market.?

Working in New Zealand and finding work can be both very simple and very difficult depending on your research. Above all, this requires a certain understanding of the job market.

First of all, you should know that there is a New Zealand CV model that is slightly different from the French model. This model written on 2 to 3 pages, in English, is an essential that will follow you during all your job searches in the country. It includes your presentation, your references and your professional experiences. We advise you to accompany it with a cover letter.

To work temporarily on site, it is possible to go on a WHV (Working Holiday Visa) or obtain a work visa.

Once there, you will also be able to apply for a permanent resident visa, but for this you must have worked beforehand for at least two years with a valid work visa.

Among the most sought after profiles on the job market in New Zealand are:

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